MBA Informer, All you should know about MBA in India.

March 19, 2011

One should wait for next attempt or not????...2

Dear friends,

The previous post was an attempt to help you to decide, whether one should wait for next attempt or take admission in any so called good college with whatever marks one has scored in his MBA entrance tests.
Still, there a lot of things to discuss about it.
You had been requested to answer a question:-
Do you really want to be an MBA? Why?
If you have an answer then good. If don’t have any answer then let us helps you to find an answer.

There are different kinds of motivations for different MBA aspirants. If you are an MBA aspirant please ask yourself some basic questions before choosing MBA as your career option and concentrating on any particular B-School. The questions are:-
> What is your career aspiration?
> What are your skills?
> Where are you lacking.{ skills}
> How much time can you devote on MBA?
> How much money can you spent?
Let us tell you that maximum MBA aspirants take MBA for career progression, building a profession network, salary enhancement, and career change and skill development.
There are very few students who take MBA just for the education as they just see that all are going for MBA so they should also go for it.
It’s not only MBA tag that helps one to get all the above things which a serious MBA aspirant thinks for. The part of B-School is also very important. The B-school selected by you is also responsible for fulfilling all your dreams as an MBA. Before choosing a B-School you should think that what are you going to lose and what will you gain during your stay at campus.
No doubt, you all are mature students. Please think that you will improve your skills in which of the following cases:-
CASE 1- You are going to stay with the best selected brains all over the INDIA.
CASE 2- You are going to stay with people who might be at the same level or even below that.

We are sure you will choose CASE 1 as your answer.
B-School determines to a large extent to the future of an MBA aspirant. Therefore it needs to think before making any choice or selection of B-School.
Do you know that according to a survey conducted by MeriTrac three out of four MBA graduates in India are unemployable?
Visit the following link to check the reports:-

In next posts we will discuss about role of B-School, how to select it, selection criteria for a B-School etc. Here we have to discuss about the problem that one should wait for next attempt or not.

Dear friends,
If you really want to do something great, if you are ready to study and fill the gap of previous 5-6 years, don’t want to think after doing your MBA that what next; then we will suggest that you should give at least one more chance to yourself.
So, please don’t make excuses that I don’t have time, I cannot do. Who will wait for next attempt etc. You know that, it is hard to achieve the goal but it’s not impossible.
Move ahead, go and grab it. After all, it’s your life and future is yours.

Thank you for all your comments and questions. It’s a request that please don’t ask any personal questions. All questions related to career will be answered with best of our abilities in the upcoming posts.

Please pass these information to as many students as you can.



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