The moment you
receive the final selection letter or admission offer from B-School, your
family members and friends are as excited as you are and you start partying and
celebrating this happiness. You do go out shopping for essentials for the next
two years at the hostel and then- wait for the D-day to join the college or
board your train or flight to reach the campus(if the B-School is not in the
home town/city).
We don’t say it’s
wrong or you should not do it or anything like that, but one question that should be answered – “ Is there anything to
do from now till the date of my journey that can have a positive impact at
least on my first semester, if not the next two years!!”
Don’t you think it’s
an important question to address?
Yes, indeed.
Dear friends, you
have invested a huge amount and now are going to spent 2 years. Your whole
career and life depends on these two years and the efforts made by you during
these two years. We are very keen that you gain maximum from your two years at
B-School. Having met over hundreds of MBA aspirants and MBA students in various
B-schools for our research and surveys to put actual figure and real scene
before you, we have listed a few things for a former MBA Student to work upon –
Introspective Write-up: What I want to be?
You should be able
to first figure out what you really want to do in life. I suggest you spend
some time to introspect about this question:-
‘What I would be
remembered for when I leave this world?’
few questions to help you start off –
1. What do you
really enjoy doing? Which industry or company will benefit maximum from your
2. Once you short
list the company / industry, start reading about them through various available
data and feature sources.
3. Are there any
personalities you admire and why? Is there and values they espouse or abilities
that they have that you want to inculcate? Work on them consciously.
Once you are able to
write this note for yourself, I am sure you will get to know what you need to
do from now on to achieve your ultimate goals, and how you would like to make
maximum of your next two years at the B-School of your choice. Put all these in
a note for yourself. I hope this will be a great exercise for your journey.
on General Awareness and Communication Skills:-
It is very important
to work on your ability to think, organize and articulate your thoughts.
Whether you are already good at it or you feel challenged, we suggest you to
work on it and believe me, you need it. It needs a constant effort from each
one of us every day. Please read a good newspaper – The Hindu / Indian Express
every day, especially the features and editorial pages.
The direct links of
some good newspapers are:-
It is important that
you don't get lost in the web of information.
Keep restraint on
what you are doing, by periodically asking yourself,
"Why am I doing
Listen to 9pm news
on DD and Day’s round up on one of the business channels every evening. You can
also catch up latest business news from one of the business dailies. Study the
graphs and data to understand the situation depicted.
Make sure you write
an article every day – create a blog to express yourself. Alternatively, take a
topic and speak in front of the mirror while recording it using a Dictaphone or
a tape recorder. Play it to listen and introspect – where you got stuck and
why? How can you overcome the shortcomings? Take action to be better.
Work on it before classes
During your classes
you will not get enough time to work on your basics. So you need to work on it.
Three subjects that form the core for any business education and thereby your
performance during the MBA program are – quantitative ability or statistics,
economics and accounting; we strongly urge you to pick a basic book on these to
familiarize yourself even before you reach your campus for the first term. The
best place to start is CBSE Class XI and XII books.
Many of you may have
a problem with not being a student with commerce background. In this case it
will help you. You can go for help to your friends or relatives who have
commerce background.
words before winding up:-
Kindly be hungry for
learning, devour journals and books, magazines; do not hesitate to interact
with professors beyond your class requirements, plunge into all activities that
are happening around you, take additional responsibilities on the campus that
can build your personality.
We are sure that you
have got enough ideas to build upon what we have stated here that can be
invaluable for your journey ahead.
Wishing you the very
best. Enjoy your B-school life.
MBA Informer
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