MBA Informer, All you should know about MBA in India.

April 16, 2011

Craze for MBA Admissions or Just Blind Rat Race

Pure science, arts seems to have become a passe and engineering seems to be an incomplete degree. Welcome to the MBA generation. There is a rat race for B-School admissions in the country, from MBA in Delhi to MBA in Hyderabad students are going to lengths and breadths of the country to complete their MBA. For those who are little better off and do not want to face this neck breaking competition in the nation going abroad for a management degree has become a craze. From MBA in Singapore to Sydney, students from India are flocking all educational destinations abroad.

The demand has grown so much over the last few years that top notch institutes haven't been able to cater to this growing demand. Many management institutions have come up in different parts of the country. The newspapers are full of advertisement 'MBA in Delhi' and likewise. The ground situation is so bad that students are opting for the course without even verifying it's brand value in the market.

Barring a few B-Schools in the country that have the infrastructure for management courses, most rely on their placements which is a result of good contacts in the industry rather than a good academic program. There is little emphasis on the course content and most of them even lack a state-of-art campus in spite of tall claims.

Many students choose to pursue an MBA degree as this qualification guarantees them a Job. Or so is the perception amongst the student community. This has led to a rat race in the country for B-School admissions. Although most of these students come out with a degree in hand, a very few of them get what they were promised at the time of joining the course. To make things worst management being one of the costliest streams of educations in India costs the student and their families a fortune.

If you are an aspiring MBA student in India there are a few things that you should keep in mind while seeking admission to a B-School:

•    Do not get fooled by catchy advertisement as the claims on infrastructure and placement in many cases are completely false. Rather verify the credentials of an institute by doing an online research on them both through their websites and other social networking sites.
•    If the institute claims to have recognition from some educational body try verifying it from the website of the educational body itself.
•    Look for their faculty and their background. An institute might be relatively new but with a team of experienced faculty they can create a brand soon. Do not get fooled by the list of impressive Board of Directors as they generally have little control over how an institute is run.
•    If possible try seeing the infrastructure through your own eyes rather than learning them from newspaper and magazine ratings. These ratings aren't a full proof indicators of the actual conditions.

It is a fact that a management degree is the door to opportunities in today's world but students should not let themselves be cheated in the name of doing a management course.

Source - Webpages


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