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April 21, 2011

VOCAB Through roots-2

Having a strong vocabulary is a boon for all CAT 2010 takers. But what about those who are not armed with the word power? Do they not stand a chance to clear the Verbal Ability section of CAT 2010? They certainly do, if they utilize the remaining time left for CAT 2010 in working for a strong vocabulary base.
By now, you must have a fair amount of words in your vocabulary account. As our experts had suggested, there are several ways to bundle up your stock of words such as going through dictionaries, vocabulary books, using flash cards etc. But the most basic of them is to learning words through its roots.
Let us first consider the root Ver/Veri. “This root means ‘true’ or ‘genuine’. These are derived from Latin.
Verify: To check the accuracy or truth of something-could be a statement, some data, fact or figure etc
Verifiable: Something that can be checked-the accuracy can be ascertained etc
Veracity/ Veracious: These words mean something that is correct, truthful, genuine or accurate
Verisimilar: Something that appears to be true
Verily: Something that is true or certain, correct or accurate
Veridity: Something that is genuine and true
Veritable: Again, this means something that is true
The second root is Chron. “Whenever you see the root, ‘chron’, you should immediately think of ‘time’ for that is what the root means.
Chronology:  This means “of, relating to, or arranged in or according to the order of time”
Chronicle:  A record of events in a chronological sequence (in order of time when they occurred)
Chronic:  Means occurring at frequent intervals of time
Chronometer:  A device used to measure/ keep time. A clock is therefore a chronometer
• Anachronism:  Something that is out of place in time/ chronologically out of place. For example, if you see someone wearing a dress that was usually worn only in the medieval period, you could call that an ‘anachronism’
The third root which is considered is ante. “This root means the same as the well-known prefix, pre means i.e. it means ‘before’.
Ante-room:  A room that leads to a bigger room (literally, a small room before a bigger one)
Antediluvian:  Literally, of or belonging to the period before the great Biblical flood, generally used to refer to someone or someone who is old-fashioned, out of date or antiquated
Antebellum:  The root ‘bell’ means aggressive (think of the words ‘bellicose’, ‘belligerent’ etc). ‘Antebellum’ therefore literally means ‘before the war’ (here the reference is generally to the American Civil War)
Antedate:  To be of an older date than something else, thus precede in time
Antecedent:  refers to a preceding circumstance or event; thus a precursor or fore-runner.


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