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June 22, 2016

10 Tips You Must Know to Crack a Job Interview Successfully

Job Interviews have always been a nerve racking experience for the interviewees. No, matter how confident and positive you are, when it comes to face the interviews, you get the jitters. Still, its something that cannot be avoided. If you are dreaming to have a job, you must be prepared for it. 
Though, it cannot be avoided, but what if you can have some advantages by knowing some key tips for cracking the interviews successfully.

Here are the best tips that work in every interview to help you land your dream job.

Understanding the requirement, and SWOT analysis :
Always go through the the job description (JD) and job specifications in detail. It is important to understand the expectations of interviewer from you and whether you fit in that given profile and vice-versa. Do SWOT analysis of yours based on the JD. It will help you in deciding how well the job suits you and how to approach the interview.

Know the employer, do your research :
Don't forget to do some prelim study about the company before you go. Check out the website as well search for the news, company has been in. Make the keypoints of most recent achievements of the organization. Visit the website and know their history, vision and objectives so that you are able to answer questions on it. Research well on their future plans so that you are able to align with your job role and how you can benefit them in the long run.

Prepare well in advance and don't forget basics :

Write down the list of basic and common interview questions like : Introduce yourself, hobbies, weakness, strengths, how you will contribute to organization, why are you quitting your current job, why you should be hired etc... Write down the answers in an interesting way (try not to make it traditional crammed answer) and practice them well.

Watch your watch, punctuality matters
No one wants to wait, especially the interviewers. Always reach the venue 10-20 minutes before. Being late will put a negative impression on interviewers. Being punctual leaves a good first impression.

Check your attire, dress up well :
Take your dressing etiquette seriously while planning to dress for job interviews. Remember the mote of 'Dress to impress'. Wear crisply ironed formals, clean shoes and your hair should be neat and well combed for men and tied up for ladies. Be presentable but don't be glammed up. Professional dressing plays very important role in leaving good and long lasting impression. 

Always be confident, don't express your nervousness :
Being nervous is natural. But don't let your expressions explain your nervousness. Always look confident. Nervous look creates an impression of inability of the candidate to handle workplace situations and deal with pressure. 

Be honest with your answers :

What goes around, comes around. Don't lie to your questions as it may create a huge mess in future. You are not supposed to know everything and nobody is God. It's okay to accept it humbly than giving a wrong response and creating a wrong impression as well.

Update your CV, Old is not gold here :
Don't forget to update your CV. Its most important thing to get you sold to the firm. Add all your skills and experiences but avoid fake information. Make is short, to the point but informative. 

Body language, it speaks the unspeakable :
Eyes of interviewer starts scanning you the moment you enter the room. From head to toe, all your gestures and manners get noticed and judged. Do not slouch. Sit straight and make eye contacts during conversations. Make it a two way conversation by asking questions and clarifying your doubts, if there are any.

Get their opinion 
Asking for feedback gives a positive impression of the candidate's keenness towards the job. As the interview is about to close, ask the interviewer about how it went and what are the chances of being selected. But avoid overdoing it.


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