MBA Informer, All you should know about MBA in India.

March 12, 2011

You are Being Misguided !!!

Are you looking yourself as an MBA?
Are you a student with high dreams?
Have you appeared in MBA entrance tests or getting coaching from some coaching institute for the same?
If you have appeared already, then have you ever noticed that your coaching institute is pushing you towards some specific colleges?
Have you ever noticed that the application forms of those colleges are being sold at your coaching institute?
You may also have noticed that the application forms are available at much cheaper rate than market.
Is it so?
Have you noticed that those colleges which used to stand nowhere has now become one of the favorite colleges and the best ones.

There are so many other questions which you might be thinking. If you have not thought about it till now then its time to think, to ask for the answers of all the questions mentioned above and other questions like that.

Why should I ask?? Its there business!!
If I need to ask then who will answer?? They will not!! Will they??
If they will not then who will answer all these questions??

These are the questions you might be thinking of…..
The answer is…..

You must ask because if you will not then you are just like a bearer cheque of Rs.30000- Rs.50000 or even more for the director of your coaching center.
You must ask because its all about your career and your money.
You need to ask because you have right to ask.
No, they will never answer any of your questions. If they will answer then it will be something which will again move you away from the facts again.

Then who???
My dear friend!
This blog site MBA INFORMER will help you in getting answers of all these questions. The purpose of MBA INFORMER is to inform you and give you unbiased suggestions  regarding all your queries about MBA. So not going in details with purpose of MBA INFORMER lets move to the answers of all your questions.

So here comes the answers of all the questions one by one…

The reason which makes the colleges favorite ones is the money which the coaching institute gets on selling there form.
Yes, for each application form sold the coaching institute is entitled to get a sum of Rs.500- Rs.750.
So in order  to sell that form they just reduce the profit and sell it at lower rate than market.
 You will say, so what?
We have benefit of it. We can purchase the form from them and save money.
I agree, but its not the end, the story continues…..

The story doesn’t ends after selling the forms only. There primary motive is to make you to take admission in that college.
Do you know why???

Ok ask this question to your self and then your mentor at your coaching center.
You will get the answers, but be careful. Those answers will not be what they should be. Those answers will be what you want to listen.
But still ask these questions….

Your career depends on it.
So, ask…!!!



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